Jane Knight Symbol X Fibert Art Wall Hanging Sculpture
Jane Knight "Symbol X" Textile
circa 1988
A 37 element textile wall mounted fiber sculpture
Comprised of jute rope and colorful woolen yarn
Installed on a custom wall mount
Signed with Knight's signature copper tag
Originally commissioned by Robert Powell AIA for the lobby of the JLP Architectural firm in Troy Michigan, and later hung in the Powell residence
Jane Knight "Symbol X" Textile
circa 1988
A 37 element textile wall mounted fiber sculpture
Comprised of jute rope and colorful woolen yarn
Installed on a custom wall mount
Signed with Knight's signature copper tag
Originally commissioned by Robert Powell AIA for the lobby of the JLP Architectural firm in Troy Michigan, and later hung in the Powell residence
Jane Knight "Symbol X" Textile
circa 1988
A 37 element textile wall mounted fiber sculpture
Comprised of jute rope and colorful woolen yarn
Installed on a custom wall mount
Signed with Knight's signature copper tag
Originally commissioned by Robert Powell AIA for the lobby of the JLP Architectural firm in Troy Michigan, and later hung in the Powell residence